Abstract: the research results show that the Island Wedding selection rate (36.59%) of nearly 40%, the domestic traditional wedding (35.94%), the combination of Chinese and Western style wedding (19.36%). We can see that people at the wedding ceremony in the dedication, wedding forms and ideas are not immutable and frozen.


China has the largest population in the world, with more than 1.4 billion inhabitants. But Chinese still struggle to find their significant other. Moreover, a lot of pressure is put on young people to find a partner early and get married as soon as possible. This is seen as a proof of stability and therefore of social success. The parents are the one who put the most pressure on their only child, by overprotection and by hurry to welcome grandchild in their family. And even though couples tend to wait longer before saying “yes”, marriage is a highly anticipated event in every Chinese life.

The wedding, as the most important event in the life. In recent years, the island tour is popular,especially the beautiful and romantic scenery. Whether star or ordinary people, the island wedding has been into the public s perspective, as an alternative to people in the form of wedding.2018-chinese-island-wedding


More than half of all the couples call wedding planners on help to organize the celebration, for which they spend lavishly. Everything is included, and weddings are prepared well in advance because they have to reach perfection. They do not hesitate to cross China and even the whole world to take good wedding pictures. Paris is their favorite place to do so and impress their guests. Chinese will have no trouble spending several years of savings for this event, as it is important so for them.2018-chinese-island-wedding


Experts predict that the marriage market in China will worth more than $ 400 billion by 2020. It grows every year and evolves constantly. It has already seen relatively big transformation those last years. As well as the wedding budget, that has grown by 4000% in the last 30 years. There is therefore a real market to conquer here, especially since the Chinese love “Western” marriages. Foreigners should therefore invest in this sector in China. We will see what are the best tools to do so.2018-chinese-island-wedding


Marriage in China is taken very seriously. Although the tradition tends are getting soften because of the country’s economic growth and its opening to the world, marriage remains among one of the priorities of young Chinese men and women in the country. Back then, it was one of the three top life honors with success in examination and birth of a son.

If the wedding is supposed to be the final step to demonstrate the love one feels for the other, it is also a testimony to the eyes of society, culture and Chinese tradition. However, the origin of marriage is not always live on love alone, the weight of tradition is often decisive in its implementation and, sometimes, it only arises from a business strategy.

“Wedding was for continuing the ancestral line and creating alliances between families so it was too important to be left to non-expert hands of young people,” we read in one of the fundamental books on traditional Chinese marriage.

Thus, red, gifts and dowry, haggling at the entrance of the home and the bride’s bedroom, tea ceremony, the return of married and reception at the parents’ home, the wedding banquet and obviously the homage to Heaven and Earth, ancestors and parents are part of Chinese marriage’s rituals. To honor the tradition, it must have “three letters” and “six steps or six orders or six rituals.”

Today, even if more and more Chinese choose to get married abroad or even to renew their vows (which is particularly new), they still want to perpetuate this ritual and contribute to the richness of their culture. Traditions remain Queen.2018-chinese-island-wedding


Now that the Chinese society opens more and more to the world and its possibilities, this is the time to seize the market, especially the one that surround marriage because it is a very important part of the culture.

Over the past two years, several Chinese celebrities have started to get married abroad. This is the case of Yao Chen, a famous Chinese actress that got married in New Zealand in late 2012. She posted on her Weibo account (which is the most followed on this platform) and share her wedding ceremony with her million fans. This broadcast event provoqued the Chinese crave for organizing their weddings abroad but also to renew their vows.

To stand out in the Chinese market, you must know and understand their needs in order to meet better their needs expectation. A large majority of them wish to leave their own tradition for Westerner’s wedding which do not appear to pose any problems but you will also need to adapt to couples who wish to perpetuate their traditions.2018-chinese-island-wedding05

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